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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Packing List for CTC 2014 (23-25 May 2014)

Packing list for Company Training Camp (CTC)

23 to 25 May 2014



1.         BB PT attire (reporting attire)

2.         Full BB uniform

3.         School PE attire (at least 1 set)

4.         Shorts and t-shirt (as needed to supplement the BB PT and school PE sets)

5.         Briefs (at least 3 additional pairs)

6.         White socks (at least 2 additional sets)

7.         Toiletries

8.         Bath towel

9.         Outdoor Adventure Book (only Secondary 1 Boys)

10.      BB Handbook ( All Boys)

11.      Running/school shoes

12.      Slippers/sandals

13.      Boots polishing kit

14.      1.5 litre water bottle (x1)

15.      Fork and spoon  (1 set)

16.      Drinking cup (x1)

17.      Bible

18.      Writing materials

19.      Flashlight (and spare batteries if desired)

20.      Plastic bags (2 to 3 to keep worn clothing)

21.      Umbrella or poncho

22.      Maximum amount of $20

23.      Personal Student Pass/Ez-link card



24.      Insect repellent (optional)

25.      Sun screen (optional)

26.      Medication (Teachers-in-charge and/or officers must be informed & to be taken only with adult supervision )

27.      Personal hand phone (The hand phones may only be used with permission from the teachers-in-charge and/or officers)


Not allowed

28.      Any electronic devices other than hand phones and watches

29.      Hand phone charger or portable charging batteries

30.      Valuable items