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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Parade order for 24th February 20

COS:CPL Thay Ting Zhao15
DO:Mr Ang
Attire:Full uniform
1500 Fall in/Roll call
1515 Company Drill
1530 Break
1535 Badgework
1615 Break
1620 Badgework 2
1700 Dismiss/Vesper
-Admin Gan

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Parade order for 17th February 2015

COS:CPL Lim Kuan Yong
DO:Mr Ling
1445 Fall in/Roll call
1530 Company Drill
1555 Break
1600 Badgework
1640 Break
1645 Badgework 2
1725 Admin
1700 Dismiss/Vesper
-Admin Gan

Monday, February 09, 2015

Parade order for 10 February 2015

COS: CPL Roger Gan
DO:Mr Ang
Attire:Full Uniform
1445 Fall in/Roll call
1530 Company Drill
1555 Break
1600 Badgework
1640 Break
1645 Badgework 2
1725 Admin
1730 Dismiss/Vesper
-Admin Gan

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Parade order for 7th February 2015

COS: CPL Keith Low
DO: LTA Peter Tan
Attire: Half Uniform
Bring: PT Kit, reflection book, bible.
0845 Roll call
0900 Devotion
0920 Company Drill
0935 Break
0940 Badgework 1
1020 Break
1025 Badgework 2
1130 Refreshment
1200 Vesper/Dismissal
-Admin Gan

Monday, February 02, 2015

Parade order for 3rd Febuary 2015

COS:CPL Sean Goh
DO:Mr Ling
Attire: PT Kit - BB Polo Tee
Bring: A5 Exercise book(For reflection)
1445 Fall in/Roll call
1530 Company Drill
1555 Break
1600 Badgework
1640 Break
1645 Badgework 2
1725 Admin
1730 Dismiss/Vesper
Note: You are required to have your name tag and field rank on unless we are playing games. Only then are you allowed to remove your name tag and field rank.
-Admin Gan