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Friday, November 11, 2016

BB Share-a-Gift

28 Nov (Monday)
3 Dec (Saturday)

Report in full uniform at JYSS at 0730 h for transportation to BB HQ

Duty at BB HQ will end at 2100h

Transport will be provided back to JYSS after duty is done at BB HQ (arrive at JYSS about 2130h)

The entire company has been registered for duty on the 2 days indicated above and Boys are expected to be present for duty on both days.

Duty will be at BB Campus, 105 Ganges Avenue Singapore 169695

Attire: BB Day Dress and bring along a set of PT Kit (BB Blue Regulation Polo)

Boys must report in proper haircut, which is defined as hair that is not artificially coloured, and does not touch the ears, eyebrows and collar. Fingernails must also be short and clean. Any participant, who reports for BBSG Project in improper attire, will not be allowed to participate.

1. Bring student ID (may be needed for attendance taking)
2. Bring water bottle along
3. DO NOT bring excessive amounts of money and/or expensive items. Meals will be provided.

The Boys' Brigade Share-a-Gift (BBSG) project is a national community service project that is organised annually by The Boys' Brigade and strongly supported by both the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).

The BBSG theme: “Have a Heart, Share a Gift” clearly summaries the it purposes and has proven to be a very effective way to promote the spirit of caring and sharing among Singaporeans.

1. To bring cheer to the less fortunate in Singapore during the year-end festive season by collecting gifts for the less fortunate.

2. To inculcate the spirit of community service among members of The Boys' Brigade.

3. To promote the spirit of caring and sharing among Singaporeans.