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Monday, April 22, 2019

Parade order 23 april 2019
COS: CPL Javier Koh
DO: Mrs Bey
Attire : Day Dress
Things to bring: Pt Kit, Water bottle 
Duty squad : Bravo
1450  Fall in and Roll call
1500  Company Drill
1530 Badge Work
1605 Break
1615 Company Games
1650 Company admin
1700 Vesper and Dismissal

Thursday, April 11, 2019

NCO Council roles and appointments for 2019

NCO Council for  2019
Company Sergeant Major (CSM)
SGT Luis Kok

Welfare IC
SGT Dalton How

Administration 2IC
CPL Jonathan Lim

Welfare 2ICs
CPL Rayner Tang
CPL Javier Koh

Logistics 2ICs
CPL Ernest Tan
CPL Ong Zhi Hao

Promotions For Boys in BB46th.

With effect from 7 April 2019, the following Boys have been promoted to the next higher rank.

CPL Terrian Lim
CPL Dalton How
CPL Luis Kok

LCP Brayden Koh
LCP Javier Koh
LCP Jonathan Lim
LCP Ong Zhi Hao
LCP Sim Yong Han
LCP Aloysius Tan
LCP Ernest Tan
LCP Rayner Tang

REC Hong Wei Xiang
REC Low Mo Wen
REC Andy Chia
REC Rohith Parthipan
REC Neo Wei Jie
REC Anson Choo
REC Wayne Choo
REC Kendrick Tay
REC Matthias Wong
REC Ethan Shen
REC Jonathan Leong
REC Irwin Tay
REC Dexter Lim
REC Calvin Yeong
REC Austen Tan
REC Shi Ke Run

Congratulations on your promotions!! Keep up the good effort. :D