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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Announcements for BB Day 2014

To all BB boys,

BB day is on this upcoming Monday (13/01/2014), you are expected to polish all of your uniform parts before Monday. Please wear your Day Dress before coming to school on Monday. Bring along your anklet and your gloves on Monday, those who do not have your anklets and gloves will be receiving it on Monday.

Reporting time on Monday: 6.30a.m. 

Do take note that on Monday, all BB boys will change from ceremonial to Day Dress after the morning parade. Sec2 Boys will wear the Day Dress until your dismissal time at 2.10pm/ 2.45pm. Sec3,4 and 5 Boys will wear the Day Dress until your respective lunch time. For classes having P.E lessons, you will change back into your Day Dress after your lessons. Those who are caught not following the above instructions will be dealt with during the next parade.

Throughout the week(13/01/2014 TO 16/01/2014) , all BB boys including sec5s are supposed to wear their school uniform with school tie and report at 7.25am behind the podium for morning assembly.

Admin and Squad Leaders take note of the above. Elias Lim Wei Qiang Nigel Colin Leong Goh Jiankai Marcus Tan Sean Wong

From CSM Poon


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