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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Reminder to all CQ members, please take note:

There are some changes to the CQ Training this Saturday, 27 Aug 16.
1) Time - 9am to 1pm
2) Location - Temasek Polytechnic
3) Attire - Home clothes/BB PT kit,
4) Materials to bring - CQ notes, stationery, Bible
5) Others - Snacks and lunch will be provided

The reason for extending the training schedule from 9am - 11am to 9am - 1pm is that there are still some content that we  really need you guys to work on to better prepare yourselves for the CQ competition so we want to have the extended session. Regardless, we will still have the 9am to 11am session.

Do inform your parents about the extended timing and let the officers know if you are able to stay for the extended training session. If you are unable, do let us know the reason as well.

- 2LT Heng Yi Dong


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